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wellington marketing events

Marketing Events, Conferences & Meetups in Wellington

We’ve compiled a list of Wellington’s top marketing events, conferences and meetups. Take your business (or career) to the next level!

4 years ago

COVID-19: Is your digital marketing ready for when lockdown is lifted?

Most New Zealand & Australian businesses are slowly starting to open up after lockdown. Even online businesses have been hit hard. But there is some light at the end of the tunnel with lockdown slowly being lifted, we may start to see things return to normal – but are you ready for this? I’m not … Continued

4 years ago

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wellington marketing events

Marketing Events, Conferences & Meetups in Wellington

We've compiled a list of Wellington's top marketing events, conferences and meetups. Take your business (or career) to the next level!

4 years ago


Measuring Content Engagement in Google Analytics - Part 2: Social Share Click Tracking

The use of social sharing widgets is commonplace. But who’s actually tracking interactions with these? Let’s make a count of how many people are clicking these buttons and record a social share rate to see how many readers amplify content on social media.

5 years ago


DoubleClick Floodlight Tags and Google Tag Manager - Lean up Your Containers

Anybody who uses DoubleClick Floodlight knows the slow process of implementing a new tag for each activity for a campaign interaction or conversion. If you’re using Google Tag Manager to add a tag, trigger and maybe some new variables for every new Floodlight - it won’t take long for your container to overfill with almost identical tags. While there’s nothing wrong with this style of implementation, there is another way.

5 years ago


Measuring Content Engagement in Google Analytics - Part 1: Article Completion Rate

It’s time to ditch bounce rates and average time on page in place of meaningful and measurable insights. Enhance how you measure content engagement with these advanced tracking methods to gain real insights into your content and its value against your business objectives.

5 years ago
