
Creative SEO

How your customers can help you build links

One way you might not be harnessing your customers is by working with them to boost your website’s visibility through search. When outreach to influencers goes stale, or if you’re struggling to make headway with your content marketing, working with your customer and prospect base can be an effective tactic to generate awareness and SEO value. Here’s how…

7 years ago

Digital experiments: a three-minute guide to channel testing

With online marketing, you can measure and adapt every aspect of your strategy, learn what your audience responds to best, and gain an advantage over your competition. But what should you test? We’ll take you through some essential pointers when looking to improve the performance of your online marketing.

7 years ago

Interview: Marina Cheal, CMO at Reevoo, talks reviews, customers and conversions

This week on the blog, 3WhiteHats welcomes Marina Cheal, chief marketing officer at UGC collection platform, Reevoo. Experts in connecting brands with their customers, Reevoo understands the make-or-break value of harnessing real ratings and reviews online.

7 years ago

Paid Media

How to optimise your Shopping feed data

So, let’s assume that you have your Google Shopping campaigns set up (if you don’t then you might want to think about it...), so now all you have to do is the usual bid optimisation and you’ll be raking in the money, right? Well, not quite. While bids and the structure of your campaigns will be the most influential factors that you can change, the feed itself can also be altered to improve Shopping performance. So what can you do to make it better?

6 years ago

How to build a paid strategy for your brand

Online marketing is a dense forest of choice. It’s also packed full of tempting but potentially injudicious ways to tear through your marketing budget, if you’re not sufficiently focused. Prominent among the promise-versus-pitfall brigade is the black hole of ‘paid media’ (also known as PPC or pay-per-click).

7 years ago

A guide to launching a remarkable remarketing campaign

To get the most out of your remarketing efforts, there are a few best practices that will help you get results in brand lift and ROI from your campaign. Here’s our guide to launching your first remarketing campaign.

7 years ago

Matching Google: the evolution of exact in AdWords

Google is dexterously moving towards a new approach for PPC keyword management, and, more specifically, how we use exact match keywords. Here’s what you need to know about the recent updates to close variants.

7 years ago


How 3 Non-EU Organisations Are Dealing with the GDPR

GDPR hasn't just affected European businesses, find out from three organisations doing business from Australia and New Zealand how they have been impacted.

6 years ago

Seven beginner WordPress plugins

So, your WordPress blog is coming along nicely. Now it’s time to make improvements. You’ve done some research, and you know there are tons of ways to boost SEO – maybe you’ve even started streamlining your blog’s SEO yourself. And while you know what to do, you’re quickly finding out that the what is only half the battle – you have to actually make the changes and keep your site optimised. But all of this tedious legwork doesn’t have to be done manually. WordPress is incredibly user-friendly, meaning there are a plethora of plugins to help with your blog’s SEO. Beyond that, there are hundreds of other SEO tools at your disposal across the internet.

7 years ago

Twitter’s expanded tweets and what it means for your social campaigns

Twitter has announced the update that many marketers have spent a long time patiently waiting for. Similar to when constructing Google Ads, there’s nothing more frustrating than composing your scheduled tweets only to find that meticulously-designed imagery tears into the character limit, forcing you to alter and dilute your messaging.

8 years ago

Things we learned from September’s Brighton SEO

It was yet another stellar Brighton SEO, booming with digital creatives from across the country and brimming with cutting-edge knowledge and industry insight. The September conference proved to be the largest in its history, with more speakers, sponsors and delegates than ever before.

8 years ago

Technical SEO

Complete Guide to Structured Data for SEO

Improve your SEO with our guide to Structured Data!

5 years ago

Bounce Rates as an SEO Ranking Signal

Bounce rates. You’ve probably heard about them, and you’ve probably even spent time worrying about them. If you’re a keen follower of SEO trends, you’ve probably also heard the long-runing debate about whether or not they’re used by Google as an SEO ranking factor.

5 years ago

Inside Screaming Frog: Top Takeaways From The Workshop

Ensuring your URLs can be crawled and indexed is a cornerstone of SEO. If Google can’t find that great piece of content you want to get in front of your customers, then what’s the point in writing it?

5 years ago

How Blockchain is already transforming digital marketing

When most people think blockchain, their minds go straight to those headline-grabbing cryptocurrencies. And sure, the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum are great exponents of the technology, but they are far from its only use. In fact, cryptocurrencies represent just the tip of a particularly large technological iceberg.

6 years ago