

How 3 Non-EU Organisations Are Dealing with the GDPR

GDPR hasn’t just affected European businesses, find out from three organisations doing business from Australia and New Zealand how they have been impacted.

6 years ago

Seven beginner WordPress plugins

So, your WordPress blog is coming along nicely. Now it’s time to make improvements. You’ve done some research, and you know there are tons of ways to boost SEO – maybe you’ve even started streamlining your blog’s SEO yourself. And while you know what to do, you’re quickly finding out that the what is only half the battle – you have to actually make the changes and keep your site optimised. But all of this tedious legwork doesn’t have to be done manually. WordPress is incredibly user-friendly, meaning there are a plethora of plugins to help with your blog’s SEO. Beyond that, there are hundreds of other SEO tools at your disposal across the internet.

7 years ago

Twitter’s expanded tweets and what it means for your social campaigns

Twitter has announced the update that many marketers have spent a long time patiently waiting for. Similar to when constructing Google Ads, there’s nothing more frustrating than composing your scheduled tweets only to find that meticulously-designed imagery tears into the character limit, forcing you to alter and dilute your messaging.

8 years ago

Things we learned from September’s Brighton SEO

It was yet another stellar Brighton SEO, booming with digital creatives from across the country and brimming with cutting-edge knowledge and industry insight. The September conference proved to be the largest in its history, with more speakers, sponsors and delegates than ever before.

8 years ago


Update to the presentation of URLs in mobile search

Mobile search continues to be at the forefront of the digital hemisphere, as Google updates the algorithms that display URLs in the search results.

9 years ago


Everything you need to know about the mobile-friendly algorithm update

Key Information     An algorithm update is being released on April 21, aimed at improving mobile search results. Websites that are mobile-friendly could see improved visibility, those that are not will lose visibility in mobile search. You can test whether your website is mobile-friendly using Google’s mobile usability tools here and here. If you … Continued

9 years ago


Are you ready for Google’s mobile-friendly algorithm update?

For the first time, Google has pre-announced an algorithm update with a specific date, and, unsurprisingly, it’s focused on mobile. On the 21st of April, 2015, ‘mobile friendly’ will become an important ranking factor in the mobile search results. Many websites are already receiving alerts warning them that their site isn’t currently performing for mobile … Continued

9 years ago


An interview with Niels Bosma – creator of SeoTools for Excel

SeoTools is an Excel add-on consisting of a bunch of useful functions for working with SEO and other web metrics directly in Excel, and has been downloaded over 100,000 times since its release in 2011. The add-on has proved invaluable to us in the industry, and we’re interested to learn more from the creator himself: … Continued

10 years ago


Best Chrome extensions for SEOs

As you may be aware there are a huge number of SEO extensions available for Chrome. You can find most of them on Google’s Chrome Web Store. These extensions are well categorised, but it’s still difficult to know which are most useful. To save you from having to go through a lot of trial and … Continued

10 years ago


What Top Gun can teach us about white-hat SEO

Like in any industry, digital marketing has its foul-play. Black and grey-hat SEO techniques appeal to many because they provide fast-track results, despite the long-term effects and repercussions. Unfortunately success in the ‘here and now’ only lasts so long, and then the trouble begins. And in light of recent Penguin and Panda updates, you can … Continued

10 years ago