Social advertising

Scientific social advertising.

No-one needs to be preached to about the value of social media. For many brands, social channels are now as important as search, email and other more traditional digital media channels.

But in a digital world congested with so much noise across social channels, how can you ensure you’re reaching the right target audience? And how can you ensure that your social campaigns are delivering against the objectives you’ve set?

That’s where our Test, Measure, Optimise (TMO) approach shows its true value. Our scientific, analytical and agile methodology ensures we approach every campaign with a fresh mindset, free from preconceptions and historical assumptions.

Build personas

First, we work with you to build customer personas, defining prospective customers’ age, gender, and other key demographics, as well as capturing relevant interests and topics which will make them receptive to your messages. Whether it’s a B2B or B2C campaign, we ensure that we maintain a fastidious and meticulous focus on who your customers are, and what topics or subjects will interest them.

Analytics setup

Then, we ensure the right analytics configuration is in place, according to the user journeys of your customer personas. We map the user journey with you, understanding key conversion points, and implement the necessary technical configuration to deliver the visibility and analytical detail that will inform our ongoing optimisation efforts.


Our team of paid experts will subsequently plan the blend of social channels and targeting approaches to engage your customers most effectively. Across Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and many others, a wide variety of methods and tactics are made available to advertisers. Whether it’s more straightforward demographic targeting, competitor or interest targeting, remarketing or similar audiences, we’ll produce a bespoke and tailored plan to designed hit your objectives.

Agile optimisation

After launching the campaign, we then pour over the data as it arrives to understand what’s working, and what’s not. We’ll review the initial performance of the channels we’ve proposed, and work fast to implement optimisation as soon as we have a sufficient volume of data to make valid conclusions. But the process doesn’t stop there – our TMO approach is an ongoing methodology that seeks to make incremental performance gains, consistently driving performance.


Finally, we report back to you at the frequency that you choose, and ensure you have the insights and key data to understand how your social campaigns are performing.

From campaign inception, through to ongoing optimisation, and analytical reporting, we manage your paid social activity and ensure it’s delivering the results you demand.